Travel and Accommodation Benefit Guide

A hospital emergency sign

State by state

Each state has a government sponsored travel and accommodation assistance scheme. 

This scheme provides assistance to a patient who, because of their locality, must travel long distances to access specialist medical services.

In addition, under certain circumstances, we offer travel and accommodation benefits to members who need to travel more than 200 kilometres from their home to receive inpatient hospital treatment.

Please call us on 1300 703 703 prior to admission.

Emergency Services Health Travel & Accommodation Benefits

Annual Maximum*

  • Travel and Accommodation Fees, up to $500 per membership per calendar year. 

Travel Benefits*

  • Intrastate (same state/territory) travel, petrol or flights up to a limit $100.
  • Interstate (crossing state/territory borders) travel, petrol or flights up to a limit $200. 

Accommodation Benefit*

  • Accommodation fees, up to a limit $100.
    Please note: In order to claim, you're required to provide us with receipts for fuel, flights, and accommodation that are claimed.

*Waiting periods and other conditions apply.

Please note

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