If you are the main policy holder, you can log on to our Online Member Portal to view up to date benefit entitlements. Alternatively you can view these details on our mobile app, or get in contac with us for assistance. 

If you are the main policy holder, you can update most membership details quickly and easily by logging on to our online Member Portal. You can also get in contact with us for assistance. 

There are a number of different types of dependents that can be covered by a health insurance policy with Emergency Services Health.

Our Fund Rules refer to the Contributor and dependents. Dependents are any spouse/partner and any child of the Contributor eligible to be covered under your policy.  

From the 1 April 2022, the Fund Rules collectively refer to children eligible to be covered under a policy as “dependent persons” and are made up of the following types:

  • Dependent child;
  • Non-classified dependent person;
  • Dependent student;
  • Dependent non-student; and
  • Dependent person with a disability.

Dependent Child is the term used when your child is aged under 18, and a Non-Classified Dependent Person is when your child is aged 18 and over but under 21.  Together, we refer to these two types of dependent persons as Younger Dependent Children (that is, where the child is aged less than 21 years).

Dependent Student is a child of the Contributor who is 21 years and over,  but under 32 years of age, who is considered to be a full time student of a school, college or university recognised by Police Health.

Dependent Non-Student is a child of the Contributor who is 21 years and over but under 25 years of age, and not eligible to be a student dependent.

Dependent Person with a Disability is a child of the Contributor and the child is participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and hence holds an active NDIS plan.  The child may be any age 18 years and over, but would only be registered as a dependent person with a disability if they do not meet any of the other dependent person types.

In all cases a child is taken to include a natural child, adopted child, foster child or a child who is a legal ward of the Contributor or their spouse/partner.

Other than for a dependent person with a disability, a child ceases to be eligible as a dependent on a policy if they are married or in a defacto relationship.

If your membership card is lost or stolen please notify us immediately so that it can be cancelled and replaced.

We will not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or action resulting from the use or misuse of a lost or stolen membership card.

Premiums can be automatically paid fortnightly or monthly by direct debit from your financial institution account.

Alternatively you can receive a renewal notice quarterly, 6 monthly or yearly, which can be paid by BPAY. Please note that credit card facilities are not available for premium payments. 

Important Information: Benefits will not be paid if your premium payments are in arrears. If premiums are more than two months in arrears, your cover will lapse and may be cancelled by Police Health. 

View our Direct Debit Request Service Agreement for more information.

You can apply to have your membership suspended under certain circumstances:

  • Full suspension or partial suspension when you’re overseas, provided the application is made prior to the date of departure.
  • Full suspension while you continue to receive short-term income maintenance through Centrelink and are eligible for and/or have a Health Care Card for a minimum of 14 days.
  • To be eligible you must be covered by a health insurance policy with Emergency Services Health for a minimum of one month. The minimum period of suspension is 14 days, the maximum period of suspension is two years and the minimum period between suspensions is four months, unless we agree otherwise.

For further information on our suspension policy simply call us on 1300 703 703.