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Will the Real Health Insurance Please Stand Up?

Many of us associate value with cost – but when it comes to health insurance, the saying is true: you get what you pay for!

Dealing with trauma as a paramedic

While the line of work can be extremely rewarding, the psychological strain is high.

Recent studies show cataracts aren’t just a seniors’ condition. And, emergency service workers are at risk

While nearly 3 in 4 people over 80 have cataracts, this isn’t a condition that’s isolated to the elderly.

One third of first responders are using alcohol to ‘cope.’ Don’t dull the trauma, process it

People who work in emergency services are exposed to high levels of trauma, which can lead to substance abuse;

Lifestyle habits increase cervical cancer risk for emergency service workers

Each year, about 850 Australian women are diagnosed with this type of cancer. 

How diabetes affects your eyes

Diabetes can affect your eyes, prevention is the key and our cover can help.

Obesity: a double threat for police & firefighters in their 50’s

Obesity is a lot more serious than just carrying extra ‘holiday weight.’ 

Emergency workers’ armour against the rising rate of dementia

There are lifestyle choices that emergency staff can make to reduce the risk.